
Construction Services

United Companies offers construction services for projects of all sizes, including the Colorado Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, Bureau of Reclamation, municipalities, and county agencies. We have helped build many of our region’s largest commercial, residential, and resort projects due to our expertise and experience in mass excavation, site development, roadway grading, structure excavation, storm drainage, deep utility installation, base prep, and asphalt.

Notable Projects Include:
  • CDOT Hwy 550 Red Mountain Pass
  • Eagle County Airport
  • FHWA Taylor River Road
  • CDOT Hwy 13 Reconstruction Phase I & II
  • Town of Vail Streetscapes
  • CDOT State Hwy 90 Bridge Replacement
  • Eagle River Restoration Phase I & II
  • Minnesota Ditch Salinity Project Phase I & II
  • Yampa Valley Regional Airport Reconstruction
  • Twin Buttes Utility and Drainage
  • 75 Benchmark Hotel, Avon, Co.
  • CDOT Hwy 550 and Rio Blanco County Animal Underpasses
  • CDOT Hwy 133 / Carbondale Roundabout
  • Mountain Village, Co. Lots 355 & 384 Site work

Telluride Gravel started as a small supplier and limited construction operation in 1972 and has grown to offer aggregates, ready-mixed concrete, site work, excavation, utility installation, and construction services. We service the western slope of Colorado and can help with all your construction needs.
Noteworthy projects include:

Second Park Lateral Pipeline
Carbonero Mill Tailings Reclamation
Telluride Mountain Village Lot 331/375
Element 52 Condominiums

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